Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Big Sexy

Tonight I had the opportunity to check out TLC's new reality show "Big Sexy". I didn't know what to expect tuning in to this evenings addition to the already crowded arena of reality tv. After witnessing such nonsense on shows like Basketball Wives and Jersey Shore I was afraid that this would be another program showcasing and glorifying unladylike behavior just plus size. I was elated to see positive representation of the plus size woman. Watching these women made me proud to be a plus size woman. These curvy divas did an excellent job of showing the plight and misconception of the plus size woman. I feel that this show could possibly show that plus size women are more than just the size of their clothes and the dents and rolls in their bodies (I got plenty) but human beings with more to love. Watching this show brought back my own memories of discrimination as a big girl. I know the feeling of being overlooked for things because of my size. I have been thought of as being easy or having low self-esteem because I'm big. In the comedy world being the fat girl I'm usually the butt of all jokes cause apparently fat is funny. I'm even guilty of the thought that the reason I am single is because I am fat. I've secretly looked at myself and despised the rolls and stretch marks that make me who I am. Eventually I learned just like the ladies in this show not to settle because I'm fat. I know that I am Big and Beautiful regardless of what others may think. My size doesn't define who I am but I define who I am............Big Beautiful Vivacious Vixen!! Big ladies love yourself!!


  1. Although I didnt get to see the show(damn XFINITY/COMCAST done cut me off) I am happy that this show displays the plus size girls in a vivacious manner. I can feel your issues about looking at your rolls and feeling bad because Ido the same. Its harder for me because I am in between sizes, meaning I am too big according to society's standards but Im too small to shop at Lane Bryant. Keep doing you lady!!

  2. I really enjoyed the points you have made about the plus size women community. I myself a plus size woman can relate to certain forms of discrimnation, but I also can express that I get mad love from people as well. Most of my life I have been a plus size woman and I have never allowed people to treat me less than just because I was plus size. I will admit at times I had to fight my own inner feelings but I always refuse to allow others the power to see me insecure. Now at 31 years of age I can say that I love myself whole hardly fat and all. We must always encourage one another and demand that we be treat as an equal and allowed to showcase our talents without physical judgment. I really can say that am proud that you have decided to always represent for the BIG GIRLS!!!!
